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Hi everyone, obviously you've found your way on to our new, and hopefully much improved, website! yay, hurrar, yippee, huzzah and so on and so forth.

The idea to develop a new website has been floating around in the ether (copyright Derek Accorah - ahem!) for a while now. The tipping point came when we found there were some visitors, well actually, would-be visitors to the old site, who actually couldn't access it - boo.

The issue was apparently due to a certain ISP (Internet Service Provider) namely Sky, applying some odd filters to it's service meaning that some content - apparently our highly offensive, crude and rude paranormal website being one of them - was blocked. Nothing we did our end could resolve the problem and so in a fit of frustrated motivation I found myself at the dawn of a new era, a new website.

A daunting prospect indeed given that the old website had been in existence for about 4 years and had organically grown and developed over that time. It turns out that an old dog - this old dog that is - can learn new tricks! Out of my comfort zone I whizzed like mable from a catapult into the 21st century, 'webagorically' speaking. A modern website began to take form.

Now I must quickly add a disclaimer here:

"This website is our newborn baby, and as such is unpredictable, probably occasionally troublesome and prone to behaving in unorthodox ways. If during the course of your visits you find things a'miss, please do let us know".

By this I' referring to broken links, missing images and so on - as much as I have checked and double checked, I am not Rainman.

Our online course 'Understanding Spirit Attachment' has been fully transferred over and all enrolled learners will have been emailed with their new log in details. The course itself should remain undisrupted.

Simon will also be contributing to this blog which should prove interesting (I have promised not to screen his content - you have been warned!) and as 2016 progresses we can't wait to announce some of our exciting new projects - right here, first!

All that remains is for me to say a HUGE thank you to all followers of our work, we appreciate your support, loyalty and friendship more than we can say - now if you havn't already...go and check out the website! :)

Lots of love

Jayne xxx

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